Show/hide Charlestown Va: Jan: 30th/60 My Dear Brother, your lettor of Jan: 9th I have just received, and with pleasure I sit down to answer it. It seems a long time since I had a lettor from you, I have written you several but got no answer, and I should written you before this, if I had knew where to direct a lettor, You have doubtless heard all about the "Harpers Ferry affair", so I will just tell you how I have got along since then. I received Six wounds there, three in my head, two in my brest and one through my left arm two in my head were the worst. I suffered very much for four or five weeks, but am now as well as ever. I feel happier now than I ever did [2] before in my life. I have a very plesent room in the jail, and I am treated as well as I could wish under the care of brave and humane Capt Avis and wife. I have irons on my feet all the time, and on my hands in the night, but I do not mind them much. If a person has an aproving conscience, they can feel happy under almost any circumstances. My living is very good, and I have had clothing, Books, Apples, and Confectionaries &c., sent me by many dear friends, so I do not want you to worry about me, for I am well provided for, and I am a thousand times thankfull for your kind offer. you may be acquainted with some of the names of these dear friends, Mrs. R. B. Spring Mrs. L Maria Child, Miss Watkins, Mr. James Redpath and others. [3] I can get any thing I need by writin to eather of these persans, and others too. I have just got a lettor from Mother Spring telling me if I am sick she will come on and nurse me. She is a very kind and generous woman. She came on here to nurse Capt B, a few days after we came here. She and her husband are very wealthy. I get a lettor from her every week. And now Dear Brother I want you to feel that I am well cared for. I should like to see you once again very much in this world, but if it is not to be, I feel shure that we shall meet ere long in the Spirit land, and I have a great deal I would like to tell you abut that land, and I hope you will not condemn what I tell you untill you have investigated it. I am [4] what is called a Spiritualist and that is a person that beleaves or one [inserted: that] knows, that Spirits do communicate with earth; and now Dear Brother I want you to investigate this great phenomena, bcause [sic] you can get proof of this, and if it be true it will satisfy the soul of a life here-after, and that we identify ourselvs which is a great deal bettor than what we get from the Bible, because we do not know that the Bible is true, for we only have others words for it, but spiritualism we have our own eye's and ears and hand's to test its truth, and if you are not chained up to the Bible by Bigotry and have a wish to seek truth, I, will cite you to a work on Spiritualism by Pros. Robbrt Hare, who has investigated [5] spiritualism scientifically. The reason I want you to investigate this is because I love you, and I feel very shure that you are on a false sistem of religion and I hope you will on my account give it a fair hereing. I know it is very hard to give up old customs & mods of worship, it was a long time before I would consent to investigate, the Spiritual theory and manifestations, but the more I look into it the bettor I like it, for the last two or three years I have made religion my great study. I have sent you through the Kindness of Mrs Spring a little Book calld "Studies in religion" [inserted: to St. Anthoney's Falls] which contains many excellent ideas. I would like to have you read it carefully and [6] then if you think it is not good, condemn it. My trial will commence to morrow. I do not expect any thing bettor than my comrade got, but still let us hope for the best. I am ready for any thing that comes. I should like very much to get your likeness and wife and little one, and there will be no danger about your sending it if you will. Give my undieing love to Nancy & little one reserveing a share to yourself. Good by your Brother through all eternity, A.D. Stevens Write when you get this.) Yours [envelope] Mr. Henry E Stevens Monticello Minnesota