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Collection Reference Number GLC04430
From Archive Folder Documents Relating to 1777 
Title Benjamin Franklin to his nephew Jonathan Williams discussing his belief in the ultimate success of the American cause
Date 27 May 1777
Author Franklin, Benjamin (1706-1790)  
Document Type Correspondence
Content Description Franklin states that "You and your Country are engag'd in a good Cause, which God will finally crown with Success. Let nothing discourage." Franklin also mentions Williams' son John in Nantes. Franklin concludes: "I continue amazing well and hearty for my Age, and hope to live to see the End of these Troubles, and our Country establish'd in Freedom, when it will soon become great and glorious, by being the Asylum of all the Oppress'd of Europe, and the Resort of the Wealthy who love Liberty...." (Stored as open folio)
Subjects Revolutionary War  Religion  Health and Medical  Freedom and Independence  Liberty  Refugees  
People Franklin, Benjamin (1706-1790)  Williams, Jonathan (1750-1815)  
Place written Paris, France
Theme The American Revolution; Religion; Children & Family; Health & Medicine
Sub-collection The Gilder Lehrman Collection, 1493-1859
Additional Information Signer of the U.S. Constitution.
Copyright The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Module Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859
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