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Documents Relating to 1775
Contracting Thomas Mumford of New London, Connecticut to acquire 50 tons of gunpowder for colonies
28 November 1775
Franklin, Benjamin (1706-1790)
Additional authors
Bartlett, Josiah (1729-1795) Lewis, Francis (1713-1803) Willing, Thomas (1731-1821) Ward, Samuel (1725-1776) Mumford, Thomas (1728-1799)
Document Type
Military document
Content Description
Signed by Benjamin Franklin, Josiah Bartlett, Francis Lewis, Samuel Ward and Thomas Willing, all as members of a Committee of Secrecy appointed by the "honble. the Continental Congress..." Also signed by Thomas Mumford. Lays out the terms for the procurement and transaction.
Revolutionary War American Statesmen Contract Military History Merchants and Trade Commerce Ammunition Continental Congress Congress
Franklin, Benjamin (1706-1790) Bartlett, Josiah (1729-1795) Lewis, Francis (1713-1803) Willing, Thomas (1731-1821) Ward, Samuel (1725-1776) Mumford, Thomas (1728-1799)
Place written
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The American Revolution; Government & Politics; Merchants & Commerce
The Gilder Lehrman Collection, 1493-1859
Additional Information
Signer of the U.S. Constitution.
The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859
Show/hide Philadelphia, Committee Chamber Novr. 28th 1775 Be it remembered That it is agreed by and between the following persons, to wit Thomas Mumford of New London in the colony of Connecticut Merchant, and Samuel Ward, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Willing, Josiah Bartlet and Francis Lewis Esqrs. a quorum of the Committee of Secrecy appointed by the honble the Continental Congress for the Thirteen United Colonies of North America That a voyage or voyages shall be forthwith undertaken for the speedy procuring of Fifty Tons of good Gun Powder, or in case any part of the Gun powder cannot be had, as much. Salt Petre [sic] with a proportionate quantity of Sulphur [sic] as will make the quantity that may be deficient That the Vessell [sic] or Vessells [sic] shall be chartered for the use of the Continental Colonies aforesaid, the Freight to be paid on their return, the Owners running the risk of the Sea, and the United Colonies to insure them against all British Captors That Skillful and prudent Supercargoes be employed by the said Thomas Mumford. That five pcent commissions shall be allowed for purchasing the goods to be exported two and a half pcent upon the sale in the West Indies, and two and half pcent for purchasing the returns. That twenty eight thousand five hundred dollars continental Currency shall be forthwith advanced to him the said Thomas Mumford for which he is hereafter to tender an account to the United Colonies who are to bear the whole risk of the afore Said adventure. The said Powder is to be put on Shore in some safe and convenient place in some of the United Colonies to the Eastward of Chessapeak [sic] bay and notice of the place given as Soon as conveniently may be to a [2]quorum of the Committee of Secrecy for the time being. Witness our hands the Day and Year aforesaid Sam Ward B Franklin Thos. Willing Josiah Bartlett Frans Lewis Th L. Mumford