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Collection Reference Number GLC04511
From Archive Folder Unassociated Civil War Documents 1862 
Title Daniel T. Van Buren to John M. Cuyler suggesting that escaped slaves be used to collect dead bodies
Date 7 July 1862
Author Van Buren, Daniel T. (1826-1890)  
Recipient Cuyler, John M.  
Document Type Correspondence
Content Description Suggesting that contrabands, former slaves who had escaped to the Union army, be used to collect dead bodies. "It is suggested that Contrabands be Employed to bring down & put in the waggons the dead bodies which, Emit these foul discharges over the clothes of these soldiers, and also that they accompany the bodies to the graves for the purpose of lifting them from the waggons at that place." The original complaint regarding the "foul discharges" is noted on the docket.
Subjects Civil War  Military History  Union Forces  African American Troops  African American History  Slavery  Contrabands  Death  Battle    
People Van Buren, Daniel Thompkins (1826-1890)  Cuyler, John Meck (1810-1884)  
Place written Fort Monroe, Virginia
Theme The American Civil War; Slavery & Abolition; African Americans
Sub-collection Papers and Images of the American Civil War
Additional Information Daniel Tompkins Van Buren was a brevet brigadier general of volunteers in the Union Army. John M. Cuyler was a medical director in the Union Army.
Copyright The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Module Civil War, Reconstruction and the Modern Era: 1860-1945