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Collection Reference Number GLC04807
From Archive Folder Documents Relating to 1778 
Title Francis Lightfoot Lee to Patrick Henry requesting that Congress send new troops to camp without delay
Date 23 March 1778
Author Lee, Francis Lightfoot (1734-1797)  
Additional authors Banister, John, 1734-1788.
Recipient Henry, Patrick  
Document Type Correspondence
Content Description Co-signed by Banister and free franked in his name. Requests that Congress send new troops to camp without delay. Warns that the Continental army is weak and that it is likely the British will attempt an attack before reinforcements come. Also urgently requests supplies. Writes that he has heard that the British troops in Rhode Island have set out to join General William Howe. States that if this is true, " ... the Enemy will open the Campaign with great advantage over us." Post script advises that General George Washington has been notified by General William Smallwood that a fleet of vessels passed by Wilmington, Delaware apparently to forage near the Potomac. Addressed to Henry as Governor of Virginia.
Subjects Revolutionary War  Revolutionary War General  Military History  Continental Army  Military Supplies  Navy  Government and Civics  Global History and Civics  Foreign Affairs  
People Lee, Francis Lightfoot (1734-1797)  Banister, John (1734-1788)  Henry, Patrick (1736-1799)  Howe, William Howe, Viscount (1729-1814)  Smallwood, William (1732-1792)  
Place written Yorktown, Pennsylvania
Theme The American Revolution; Government & Politics
Sub-collection The Gilder Lehrman Collection, 1493-1859
Copyright The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Module Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859
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