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Collection Reference Number GLC00215
From Archive Folder Documents Relating to 1848 
Title Robert E. Lee to Sidney Smith Lee announcing the final ratification of a Peace Treaty between the United States and Mexico, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Date 21 May 1848
Author Lee, Robert E. (Robert Edward) (1807-1870)  
Recipient Lee, Sidney Smith  
Document Type Correspondence; Government document
Content Description Secretarially written and signed letter. Written to his brother (addressed "My dear Rose") as Engineer accompanying the Mexico expedition. A joyous Lee proudly announces the final ratification of a Peace Treaty between the United States and Mexico, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, by which the United States gained its entire western territory, from Texas to California. Lee comments that he is "exhilarated by the prospect of getting home, when I shall again see you & my dear Sis Nanie." Envelope addressed to Sidney Smith Lee, Annapolis. According to Paul C. Nagel, The Lees of Virginia, "Rose" was Sidney S. Lee's nickname. With envelope and carte de visite.
Subjects Mexican War  Confederate General or Leader  Latin and South America  Westward Expansion  Texas  Treaty  Global History and Civics  Military History  
People Robert E. (Robert Edward) (1807-1870)  Lee, Sidney Smith (1802-1869)  
Place written Mexico City, Mexico
Theme The Mexican War; Government & Politics; Foreign Affairs
Sub-collection The Gilder Lehrman Collection, 1493-1859
Copyright The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Module Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859
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