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Collection Reference Number GLC02437.04431
From Archive Folder The Henry Knox Papers [0092] November-December 1789 
Title Moses Hazen to Henry Knox expressing frustration at not reaching a settlement for military affairs
Date ca. December 1789
Author Hazen, Moses (1733-1803)  
Recipient Knox, Henry  
Document Type Correspondence
Content Description Signed in text as "Genl. Hazen." Discusses difficulties in reaching a final settlement for his military affairs and gives detailed information related to his struggle to reach a settlement. Mentions others involved, including [William] Duer and General [Jedediah] Huntington. Declares, "Is there an Executor in this nation or any one that represents it in the recess of the Legislater. If not what have we been fiting [sic] for these seven years." Related to GLC02437.04430; date and location inferred from content and from a note written on the document at a later date.
Subjects Revolutionary War  Revolutionary War General  Continental Army  Military History  Finance  Congress  Government and Civics  Soldier's Pay  
People Knox, Henry (1750-1806)  Hazen, Moses (1733-1803)  Huntington, Jedediah (1743-1818)  Duer, William (1747-1799)  
Place written New York, New York
Theme The American Revolution; Government & Politics
Sub-collection The Henry Knox Papers
Copyright The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Module Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859
Related documents Letter from Moses Hazen to Henry Knox concerning the settlement of Hazen's affairs  Letter from Henry Knox to Moses Hazen suggesting Hazen miscalculated his pay  Letter from Henry Knox to John Maunsell requesting help for Moses Hazen