Show/hide The Warm Springs 26th Augt. 1761 Rev Sir I shoud [sic] think myself very inexcusable were I so omit so good an opportunity as Mr. Douglass's return from these Springs, of giving you some account of the place, and of our approaches to it.- To begin then,- We arrivd [sic] here yesterday, and our journey /as you may imargine/was not of the most agreeable sort, through such weather & and such Roads as we had to encounter; these last for 20 or 25 miles from hence are almost impossible for Carriages; not so much from the Mountainous Country /but this in fact is very rugged/ as from Trees that have fallen across the Road, and renderd [sic] the ways intolerable.- We found of both Seaes [sic] about 2[5]0 people at this place, full of all manner of diseases & Complaints; some of which are much benefited, while others find no relief from the water's- two or three Do_tors [sic] are here, but whether attending as physicians or to Drink of the waters I know not- It is thought the Springs will soon begin to loose [2] these Virtues, and the weather get too cold for People not well provided, to remain here- They are situated very boldly on the Eastside of a sleep [illegible] Mountain, and Inclosd [sic] by Hills on all sides, so that the afternoon's sun is hid [struck: from [illegible by 4 oclock [sic] and the Fogs hang over us till 9 or 10 [struck: oclock [sic wh. [sic] occasion's great Damps and the mornings and Evenings to be cool.- The Place I am told, and indeed have found it so already, is supplyd [sic] with Provision's of all kinds- good Beef & Venison, fine Veal, Lamb Fowls & all: may be bought at almost any time; Lodgings can be had on no terms but building for them, and I am of opinion that numbers get more [hurt] by there manner of lying, than the waters can do them good- had we not succeeded in getting a Tent & Marquee from Winchester we shoud [sic] have been in a most miserable situation here In regard to myself I must beg leave to say, that I was much overcome with the fatigue of the Ride & weaker together- however I think my [illegible] are a good deal abased, althou': my [3] Pains grow rather worse, & my sleep equally disturbd [sic]; what effect the waters may have upon me I can't say as present, but I expect nothing from the air- This certainly must be unwholesome- I purpose to stay here a formight [sic] & longer if benefited [sic] I shall attempt to give you the best discription [sic] I can of the stages to this place, that you may be at no loss, [inserted: if after this acct., you choose to come up.- Foulston] I shoud [sic] recommend as the first,. Mayr. [sic] Hamilton's, or Israel Thompsons The 2d;. yl [sic] abt. [sic] 30, the other 35 miles distant: from thence you may reach Henry DorVanme on Opeckon Creek, or Cappr. Paris's 4 miles on this Side, which will be also abt. [sic] 35 miles; and then your journey will be easy the following day to this place I have made out a very long, and a very dirty Letter, but my hurry must apologize for the Latter, & I hope your goodness will excuse the former- Please to make my Complimt. [sic] [4] [on top of page 4: Col. Washington from Spring] acceptable to Mr. [illegible] and Miss Bolan, & be assurd [sic] Revd. [sic] Sir that with a true respect I remain yr. Most Obed [sic] & Obligd [sic] 26 Augt. 1761 G:o Washington P.S. If I coud [sic] be upon any certainty of yr. comg [sic], or, coud [sic] get only 4 days previous notice of yr. arrival I coud [sic] get a House built such as are here erected very indifferent indeed they are tho. [sic] for yr. Recepts [sic] =30th . Augt. Since writing the above Mr Douglass lost his Horse & was detaind [sic], but I met with a [Fairfax] Man returng [sic[ home, who is to be back again immediately [sic] for his wife. This Person I have, hird [sic] to carry some letters to Mr. Washn. [sic] and whose cover this goes: by him you are furnish with an opportunity if [illegible] owing me with yr. Commnds, if you retain any thoughts of comg [sic] to this place- I think myself benefitted [sic] by the [wter's ] and am not witht. [sic] hopes of their making a cure of me- a little time will shew [sic] now.