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Documents Relating to 1781
George Weedon to Marquis de Lafayette regarding the status of provisions and troops in Virginia
4 June 1781
Weedon, George (1734-1793)
Document Type
Content Description
An original draft copy, regarding the status of troops and provisions in Virginia. Discusses calling out the militia, civilians fleeing, and removing stores from Fredericksburg before the onslaught of the British invasion. Written from "Camp Hunters Heights." Later that year, Weedon commanded the Virginia militia at the siege of Yorktown.
Revolutionary War Revolutionary War General Military History Continental Army Militia
Weedon, George (1734-1793) Lafayette, Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, Marquis de (1757-1834)
Place written
The American Revolution
The Gilder Lehrman Collection, 1493-1859
The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859
Show/hide Camp Hunters Heights June 4th 1781 Dear Marquis I [struck: an] [inserted: was] honored with your of 3d inst. last evening. Col.o Johnstons Regiment consisting of the Caroline & Spotsylvania Militia march to joine you immediately on the rec.d of your Order, Those [struck: are] [inserted: were] all the men I had from the Tenth of Rapperance. The King George and Stafford Militia [strikeout] are here commanding the 250 men. I finished the removal of all the stores from Fredericksburg yesterday Except forrage and some Indian meal, it will be out of my power to take of the Journey for want of waggons. I have had parties into [illegible] but being compared of nothing but Militia whose Exertions may easily be warranted, have not been able as yet to procure any. Indeed so distressing is the same display'd by the Inhabitants who are flying with those Families that I have in some measure risqued the stores, rather than add [inserted: to] these Calamity. In consequence of the Enemies advance had call'd in the lower counties in the Northward Neck, inclosed is copy of Colo: Lee's letter in answer. King George cant house [inserted: When I think they will rendezvous] is 25 Miles from here. Then more will assemble in a day or two be so obliging as [2] to give me your advice on the propriety of ordering them higher higher up, or holding them at that place, This will no doubt depend on , yours and the Enemies movements. I had also ordered down the Prince William Men, and yesterday recd: a letter from the Commanding officer Copy have also the honor to Inclose. The men that can be armed are moving down. No doubt all the arms [struck: as] coming from Phila will change their want and crop at [strikeout] [struck: Normands][inserted: Normans] Ford, would thank you to order all that can be spared from your Army to me, to put in the hands of the unarmed men coming inn. The next Brigade of Waggons coming from you for [strikeout] [inserted: Flour] had better cross the River at some of the Fords and proceed to this place. I was this morning advised of the Enemies falling back. Have the Honor to be with much Esteem & Rspt. Y.r Obt Servt, G Weedon. This will be delivered you by Colo. Willis who I sent back to Frederick County for Rifle men He will inform you of the situation of the back counties in concequence of the New York in Hampshire. - [docket ] Copy to the Marquis 4 June 1781 Hunter Heights