Show/hide Download PDF [draft] Boston Decem 31. 1786 Sunday noon My dear Harry By the post last Eveng I recd a few lines from you of the 24th Inst - Shayes at the head of about 300 armed Men, made their appearance at Springfield on Tuesday last, and prevented the Courts seting, which was to have been on that day - there was no opposition to them and when they had effected their purpose, they all dispersed, and made the best of their way home - Capt: Cushing of my Regiment recruited several of them, before they left the ground - The Court is to meet at Worcester on the 23d of Jany: and it is reported that government are determind to try their strength at that time, - the Government and Council are now siting and I believe arrangements of the Militia are making for that purpose - our friend General Lincoln I suppose will have the command of the government Troops - "from the present appearances of the Recruiting service, I think it probable by the 23d of Jany: I shall have inlisted near two Companies, that is, at least 100 Men - if the monied men, wou'd compleatly [2] compleatly cloath them, and advance two months pay to them and the Officers, I am fully satisfied they wou'd be of effective service to the government on the acction. - as a much greater dependence could be placed in them, than the same number of Militia - by having my Recruits cloathed and equiped wou'd give an amazing spring to the Recruiting service, much more so than any other made that can be pointed out - if this meets with your Ideas, and you will tender their services to the Government, or will permit me, on the conditions I have mention'd I will exert myself to have them in the best possible order - I am unacquainted with the Established uniform and the allowance of Clothing, and also the number of Non Commissid. officers to a Company, it will therefore be necessary for you to write me on this lead as I shall always wish to conduct with the greatest Military propriety, I will thank you to inform me, if I am at any time, to consider myself under the Command or direction of the Government and Council, or any person but you, unless I am in that field - I hope the Contracts for supplying the [3] the Troops with Provisions, Clothing and &c will be completed soon, many dificulties attend our present mode, as I purchase every article as I want them, they come much higher than if I was to bring in the grocer - I have been under the necessity of buing Tin Camp Kettles because we have no sheet Iron in this Town, if there is any in N York, it woud be best to send some round, they can be made here on reasonable terms - I am in great want of them - I observe you have not orderd Drums and Fifes from Philadelphia, it is necessary, I should have them, as I have several of the musick inlisted and I want them to practice" - Before this can possibly reach you, Mrs. & Mr. Swan must have arrived in NYork, unless some accident has detained them on the road - but I hope they have had a comfortable and pleasant Journey, although their prospects for the two first days, was much against them - inform them their Children and Family were all well yesterday excepting Chatham who remains as when they left him - Thomas Edwards formerly [4] formerly Judge advocate has desired me to write you with respect to him, in case a J.A. is appointed to the present establishment he is capable, and the appointment wou'd be pleasing to him - your friends are all well and desire to rememberd to you and Lucy - my love to Lucy and the Children - remember me to Mrs and Mr. Swan - From your truly affectionate H Jackson P.S. in my Letter I have forgot to mention that I have recruited 70 men - HJ Since I finished my Letter I recd. the inclosed for Mrs Swan, from Miss [Snelling] at Dorchester, which I wish you to deliver as directed - HJ To Genl. Henry Knox