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Collection Reference Number GLC02437.05058
From Archive Folder The Henry Knox Papers [0101] July-August 1791 
Title Henry Jackson to Henry Knox regarding the Massachusetts legislative committee that recently sold them two million acres of land
Date 10 July 1791
Author Jackson, Henry (1747-1809)  
Recipient Knox, Henry  
Document Type Correspondence; Land transaction document; Legal document
Content Description References Knox's letter of 4 July. Is glad that Knox feels the two of them "succeeded well." Reports to Knox about issues with the Massachusetts legislative committee that recently sold them two million acres of land. Reports they have all of [Samuel] Ogden's townships except six on the Kennebeck. Discusses the land they purchased. The land was purchased in two tracts, each one million acres in size. Jackson believes they are fifty miles apart. Says Royal Flint's maps will be in New York by 15 July. Declares that if it is in Knox's power to leave Philadelphia to see Flint, it would be in his interest to do so. Says that the Frenchman Mr. Gregoire, who was granted half of Mount Desert along with a number of islands and other townships, wishes to sell. Jackson thinks it contains about 70,000 acres and that 100 families are settled on it. Claims the tract has some of the best harbors in Maine. Thinks he should get the authority to purchase tract, which will be priced at less than ten cents an acre if one quarter of the price can be paid down and the rest within a year. There are no terms for settlement. Says this will give a greater value to their two million acre purchase. Says the 25 shares in the bank will be attended to. Docket in Knox's hand says he answered on 17 July and told Jackson to make the purchase. Terms of the purchase noted in docket.
Subjects Revolutionary War General  Land Transaction  Waldo Patent  Finance  Government and Civics  Geography and Natural History  France  Immigration and Migration  Maritime  Banking  
People Knox, Henry (1750-1806)  Jackson, Henry (1747-1809)  
Place written Boston, Massachusetts
Theme Government & Politics; Merchants & Commerce
Sub-collection The Henry Knox Papers
Copyright The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Module Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859