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Collection Reference Number GLC02589
From Archive Folder Documents Relating to the 1870s 
Title James Lawson Kemper to Hugh McCulloch discussing Virginia's repayment of post-Civil War debt
Date 8 December 1875
Author Kemper, James Lawson (1823-1895)  
Recipient McCulloch, Hugh  
Document Type Correspondence
Content Description Kemper, Governor of Virginia, discusses Virginia's repayment of post-Civil War debt with McCulloch, former Secretary of the Treasury and a member of the London banking firm Jay Cooke, McCulloch & Co. Offended that McCulloch did not respond to his previous correspondence, states " ... it must satisfy you that Virginia is honest and will in due time, that is as soon as she is able, perform all her promises ... No man or set of men can be so capable of knowing how much taxation the people of Virginia can stand, or how much of our revenues are necessary to preserve society and support our government, as the people and government of Virginia." Vehemently opposes McCulloch's plan for increasing general taxation of Virginia to satisfy the debt. Declares "I hope yet to see you withdraw your censures and do justice to the integrity of Virginia."
Subjects Civil War  Military History  Government and Civics  Finance  Banking  Taxes or Taxation  Debt  
People Kemper, James Lawson (1823-1895)  McCulloch, Hugh (1808-1895)  
Place written Richmond, Virginia
Theme The American Civil War; Banking & Economics; Government & Politics; Reconstruction
Sub-collection The Gilder Lehrman Collection, 1860-1945
Additional Information McCulloch served as Secretary of the Treasury 1865-1869 and 1884-1885. During his tenure, he attempted to reduce federal war debt, reintroducing federal taxation in the South.
Copyright The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Module Civil War, Reconstruction and the Modern Era: 1860-1945
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