Show/hide Philadelphia 25th Augt 1795 Dear Sir Before this time, I presume you will have heard that the President has Signed the Treaty; the British Minister carries it home, the discontents of which have so violently prevailed here, begin to subside. The President has yet to encounter the tongue of Slander, knowing however from what source it springs to treat it with contempt will prove the wisest expedient to subdue it; I have to acquaint you that Edmund Randolph the Secy of State has resigned his office two or three days ago; and that Wm. Bradford Attorney General of the U.S. died yesterday. Those two offices being vacant perhaps the two first under Government, it will require the strictest Scrutiny of character in the appointment of their successors. It is not known why Mr. Randolph resigned & it is thought by Some on account of the ratification of the Treaty. Others who know [2] his political principle think otherwise. However what the cause might have been it might prove injurious to the Public Service, not so much by Mr. R. resignation, more by the vacancy of so important an office, by the Death of Mr. Bradford, the public lose an able officer, admired and esteemed by every class and rank. The People here all regret his death, for so amicable a disposition & character; we don't hear who will be [inserted: the] candidates to fill these offices. The President still remains here, and whether he will appoint the officers during the recess of the Senate is not known, whenever anything shall turn up respecting the appointment I shall make it my business to inform you. Reports are circulating that Congress will be called and that an Embargo will be laid, however, I don't suppose (the annual Meeting being nigh at hand) that anything will be done until Congress meet in December, Yet every think [sic] being so uncertain and the public yet irritated, perhaps the President might call Congress. [3] We have no foreign news of any note, and as for this city, I have only to say that it is by no means healthy, as for news we have none other than the President ought not to have signed the Treaty and the President ought to have signed it. It [inserted: is] reported that the French Consul for Penna. shot himself on account of the President's signing this Treaty. The man actually shot himself grasping the Liberty Pole in his arms the day after the signature, but that he shot himself on that account is only a surmise. I have written several letters and remain without an answer; your last one as of the 12th of July. I am anxious to hear of the welfare of my Mother and all the Family. The weather here has abated considerably, and I am in perfect health and good spirit. Remember me if you please to my Mother and all relations and friends and please to let me hear from home. While I subscribe myself, Your Dutiful & Affectionate Son John Visger Glen Henry Glen Esqr [address leaf:] Henry Glen Esquire Schenectady State of New York [docket:] John V Glen letter 25th Augt. 1795