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Documents Relating to the 1900s
John S. Mosby to Sam Chapman discussing Lee's pardon and politics during the Reconstruction era
5 September 1907
Mosby, John S. (1833-1916)
Chapman, Sam
Document Type
Content Description
Written on stationery of the Department of Justice. Discusses Grant's endorsement of Lee's pardon after the war, and Johnson's refusal to grant it. He discusses politics during the Reconstruction era. He comments "there was more vindictiveness shown to me by the Virginia people for my voting for Grant than the North showed to me for fighting four years against him." Various politicians and judges mentioned.
Civil War Military History Union Forces Confederate General or Leader Pardon President Politics Reconstruction Election Government and Civics Union General
Mosby, John Singleton (1833-1916) Chapman, Sam (fl. 1897-1916)
Place written
Washington, D.C.
Reconstruction; The Presidency; Government & Politics
The Gilder Lehrman Collection, 1860-1945
Additional Information
Notes: Mosby discusses Jefferson Davis's treason trial in GLC 3921, #30. He answers criticism of his book, Stuart's Cavalry in the Gettysburg Campaign in GLC 3921, #22. The disability clause of the Fourteenth Amendment (section 3), ratified in 1868, prevented Confederate civil and military leaders who had previously sworn to support the Federal Constitution from voting and holding office. The disability could be removed with a two-thirds vote from both houses of Congress. The Fourteenth Amendment's restrictions on Confederate leaders did not apply to Mosby because he had never sworn an oath to the federal government.
The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Civil War, Reconstruction and the Modern Era: 1860-1945
Show/hide Sept: 5th 1907 Dear Sam: The schoolmistress is all wrong: In June 1865 (see War records) Gen. Lee applied for pardon - Grant endorsed - Andy Johnson refused it. [struck: Either]. On Dec: 25th 1868 Johnson issued a proclamation of universal Amnesty & pardon, a Christmas gift. - Grant had just been Elected & he wanted to deprive Grant of that pleasure. Mr. Davis trial began that month but the proclamation of Pardon ended it [See U.S. Statutes at Large & Chases Circuit Court Decisions reported by Bradly Johnson.) Soon after Grant came in he recommended Congress to pass one [inserted: act] relieving every body of the disability of the 14th Amendment - a different thing from a pardon for treason. When I came out for Grant in 1872 I told him that if he wd. get Congress to pass one act relieving our leading public men of political disability - not from voting only from holding office - I thought we could carry Virginia for him. He said he wd. try - In a few days Ben Butler introduced [inserted: & passed] a bill that relieved nearly every body - including Gen. Hunton - [struck: He] Hunton immediately announced himself a candidate for Congress & was elected. I could have had no selfish motive in this as I was never under the disability of the 14th Amendment. I did incur the disability under the [inserted: Va.] anti dueling Con[vention] either to vote or to hold office. In 1877 Wm. F. Gordon of Louisa (uncle of Armistead) introduced a bill to relieve Jim Barbour of the disability of the anti-duelling Con - Matherds of London proposed an amendment to include me. Gov. Smith ("Extra") was a member of the House - He made a bitter [inserted: speech] against including me. the bill passed. In 1875 [2] the Democrats elected Andy Johnson Senator. Judge Caldwell had a glowing eulogy of him in the Index. I wrote a letter to the Index wh. Moore Blackwell signed, inquiring if that was the same Johnson who made a speech [struck: at] to a crowd at the front door of the White House saying that treason must be made odious by hanging traitors - & who offered a reward of $100,000 for Jefferson Davis under the [inserted: charge] of procuring the assassination [sic] of Lincoln. Mr. Gordon can show you in the Statutes at Large (1868) the Amnesty Proclamation & Grant's message on Amnesty in the President's Messages: - I sent my MS - Stuart's Cavalry in the Gettysburg Campaign - to the Macmillan Co. last week. Have not heard from them. - There was more vindictiveness shown to me by the Virginia people for [inserted: my] voting for Grant than the North showed to me for fighting four years against him. I was in Warrenton last week - talked with Judge Keith - he is now in Staunton. I wish you wd ask him the reason why I was not [struck: selected] [inserted: invited] to deliver the address at the unveiling of Stuart's Statue. I am the only Virginian who followed Stuart who named a child after him, & I am the only Virginian who [struck: has] [inserted: ever] published a word in defense of him. The man selected was one of Stuart's couriers. Then write me what Kieth says. Yours Truly Jno: S. Mosby [inserted at the top of first page, probably after finishing the letter] I have no objection to your letting Hugh & Mr. Gordon read this. Referring to George Christians Eulogy of Slavery because it was a patriarchal Institution I reminded you that Polygamy & Circumcision were patriarchal institutions. I I [sic] forgot to say that Eunuchs were also a patriarchal institution. Ask Hugh if I am not right. Notes: Written on Justice Department Stationery.