Show/hide Vanburen County Arkansas May 5th 1861 Dear friend, I again attempt to write you a few lines to inform you that I am not ded yet, and I am in first rate health As this time hoping these lines may find you enjoying the same blessing I have not done any work yet nor I dont no as I will in some time yet or at least I am afraid it will be some time before I do, do anything I perhaps will leave this state before I am able to do any work of any consequence, I am worse out of heart that I ever was before in my life I have been waiting for an answer from you for some time, & as I have not recd an answer from you I have consented to write you again I have been looking for an answer from some of you for the last month & not the first letter have I recd yet if I dont get one in a short time I shall be at a loss to know the reason, If I do not get some help before long I dont know what will become of me, I can see poverty stairing me in the face plainer than I ever did in my life before, A.G. Harrell has treated me worse than I would of treated a dog. I could almost Remove the last grain of Sand that would launch him into Eternity, for he is the cause of my being a cripple the Ballance of my days,, I can not see for my part what is the reason your Father has not give me some Satisfaction in regard to my money before now for I have written to him several Times in Relation to it & he has not Regarded it Enough to Even write to me, I would like to know the Reason why he has not written to me, under stand me I am not angry yet, nor will not use a single word in a contemptuous manner but there is not some applications made in my behalf, I will be bound from necessity to make some application my self, & I will say positively I do not want to Do that, but however I will be bound from necessity to Do it; I am now needing the money & that Bad, I would of joined A volunteer Company the other day if I had had the money to of borne my expences to Little Rock. Not withstanding I am under No Compulsion whatever to go for I cannot even be drafted & made go, But I want to Be in our army and I think this is my only chance to Ever be in one for this may Be the last opportunity I may ever have . [illegible] Jos J. Little [2] I want you to write as soon as you get these lines. for I am anxious to hear from there & from you. I want you to Show this Letter to your father as perhaps it will save me writing to him, till then that I have not Rec'd many letters from him in some time & in fact I have not Rec'd but 2 letters since I have been here from him & I am anxious to hear from him. I Dont Do any thing but fish there is plenty of fish here if you was here to go with me afishing one time I would show you the the largest fish you ever saw in your life, the way I am situated my Life is a cu[inserted:r]se to me & farther more I am not live this life much longer. I am going to leave this country if I have to Beg my passage, Times is hard here and worse concerning money scarse and none a coming. War is on hand fight or you will be killed a Running, There was a little battle not far from this place at West Point on Little Red River 10 abolitionist killed several more wounded. I think they was sent Down from Memphis Tenn By Abe Lincoln he has an army stationed at the sity of Washington of 30000 men but they will be knocked into a cocked hat before 3 months from this day, Bro. John sends his Respects to you all. he is well and doing well he had made a bought 200.00 this year in the Black Smith Shop, we want to start to sevese [strikeout] County in 2 months from this time if we succedd in getting our money if we dont we cant go but I hope we will not have that for an excuse attal I am hope up with that belief at any rate; you will please excuse my letter for my remarks so I will close for the present. Write soon as you get thes Lines, as I remain your true friend & Ballance of the family til Death J. J. Little I wish for a more brief correspondence