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Currency, Counterfeiting and Coins
Massachusetts state pardon for Scripture Frost for counterfeiting coin
13 November 1787
Hancock, John (1737-1793)
Document Type
Legal document
Content Description
Frost was sentenced to stand in pillory for 1 hour and to 2 years hard labor. Conditionally pardoned excepting that Frost pay a 25 Pound ($40) fine. Signed and sealed by John Hancock as governor. Written by Secretary to the Governor John Avery, Jr. Includes pieces of Continental currency.
Pardon Criminals and Outlaws Law Government and Civics Counterfeiting Coins and Currency Forgery and Fraud Finance
Hancock, John (1737-1793) Avery, John (1787-1793)
Place written
Boston, Massachusetts
Government & Politics; Law; Banking & Economics
The Gilder Lehrman Collection, 1493-1859
The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859
Show/hide [SEAL] Commonwealth of Massachusetts-- John Hancock To all the Sheriffs of the several Counties within this Commonwealth aforesaid & all other Officers & faithfull [sic] subjects to whom these presents shall come, Greeting Whereas Scripture Frost of Shirely in the County of Middlesex was at our Supreme Judicial Court holden at Cambridge in and for our said Court Ordered that the Said Scripture Frost be adjudged to stand one hour in the pillory and to be confined to the Castle at hard labor for two years; & Whereas the said Scripture Frost has humbly supplicated the grace and favor of this Commonwealth for the remittance of the saud Sentence so far as relates to the aforesaid Sentence-- I do therefore by and with the advice of Council remit to the Said Sentence above mentioned -- provide nevertheless & this pardon is on this express condition that the Said Scripture Frost shall and do within forty days next coming pay to the Sheriff of the County of Middlesex a fine of Twenty five pounds to the use of the Commonwealth, & shall also pay all legal costs which have arrisen [sic] in the protection against him for the offence [sic] whereof the Stands convicted, and also all costs that shall arise on his imprisonment to the time of this endangerment on this pardon & in future of his voluntary compliance with the condition aforesaid within the term of time above mentioned; the Sheriffs and Officers aforesaid and all whom it may concern enjoined to See the Sentence aforesaid executed, according to the expression & terms aforesaid-- In testimony whereof I have caused the public Seal of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts aforesaid to be hereunto affixed_ Witness His Excellency John Hancock Esq. Governor & Commander in Chief of the Commonwealth aforesaid. Dated at Boston this thirteenth day of November Anno Domini One thousand seven hundred & eighty seven in the year of the Independence of the United States of America. By his Excellency's Command with the advice & consent of Council -- John Avery junr. Secretary