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Collection Reference Number GLC00429
From Archive Folder Documents Relating to 1776 
Title Report of a naval encounter written by William Whipple to John Langdon
Date 11 May 1776
Author Whipple, William (1730-1785)  
Recipient Langdon, John  
Document Type Correspondence; Military document
Content Description Written by Whipple as a Continental Congressman from New Hampshire. He was also a colonel of militia and later signed the Declaration of Independence. To Langdon as a Continental Congressman from New Hampshire (he was to leave that body in June 1776). References Langdon's letter of 29 April 1776. Says there was "a little Brush" with the men of war "Roebuch" and "Liverpool." Says the ships came up as far as Wilmington, Delaware and stole cattle from the Jersey shore. Reports that 18 galleys made two attacks on the ships. The first one was undertaken at too far a distance to be effective, but the second one caused more damage to the British ships without damage to the galleys. The men of war were followed down as far as New Castle. The action took place in front of many spectators from Philadelphia. The galleys were said to fight with "great spirit & Resolution."
Subjects Revolutionary War  Continental Congress  Congress  Navy  Global History and Civics  Maritime  Battle  
People Whipple, William (1730-1785)  Langdon, John (1741-1819)  
Place written Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Theme The American Revolution; Naval & Maritime
Sub-collection The Gilder Lehrman Collection, 1493-1859
Copyright The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Module Settlement, Commerce, Revolution and Reform: 1493-1859